Travel Trips
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- Cycling Adventures in Italy: Venice to Piombino
The number of people in the group is calibrated according to the type of excursion and according to national and regional anti Covid19 regulations. Usually each guide will have a maximum of 15 people or fewer in case the museum regulations provide for a lower number.
For sports outdoor activities such as trekking, there is no longer the obligation to wear a mask, but we ask participants to wear the mask in moments of closest proximity to other unrelated participants.
Before the start of the activity the guide can decide to measure the temperature using an infrared meter or alternatively fill in and sign a self-certification that will be provided to you before the activity where you will have to guarantee the absence of fever and flu symptoms in the last 15 days.
Furthermore, each participant, together with the payment of the participation fee, signs the following releases in which he declares to:
know decree-law n. 6 of 23 February 2020, article 1, lett. h) and i), which precludes access to any activity to anyone who is aware of having had contact with subjects who tested positive for COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to the excursion or comes from areas at risk according to WHO guidelines.
to know that in the presence of fever (over 37.5 °) or other flu symptoms, the participant is obliged to remain at home and to call their family doctor and health authority
not having tested positive for COVID-19
undertake to comply with all the provisions of the Authorities and the behavioral rules indicated in the Guide (in particular, keep a safe distance, observe the rules of hygiene and behave correctly)
Undertake to inform the Guide immediately in case of any illness or flu symptoms that occur during the excursion.